Because in spite of all the hard work and endless hours you put in for your business. You know that there is a better way.

Some entrepreneurs have family members or parents to learn from, so they have been groomed for entrepreneurship since childhood. But unfortunately, you didn’t have that luxury. Either that person in you family didn’t exist or they weren’t willing to teach you. The privileged entrepreneur’s path was easier because they had someone to show them the way. And you didn’t…until NOW. When you found us on facebook or through a friend, I became that defacto family member. Look at me, Nicole, like your big sister (I’m a lot older than I look)

You know that the only way to have the business of your dreams is to learn from someone who’s done it over and over again. It’s pointless to try to figure certain things out on your own. Especially when others made mistakes and missed opportunities just so that you don’t have to.


And if you could just make THIS business successful then you could go on to have more time for your family, and be the person that you were meant to be.

You Could:

  • Predict your cash flow and even have enough money to do the type of creative marketing that you dream.
  • Hire the right team the right way to get the work done right, giving you ease of mind to rest at night.
  • Work with the types of clients YOU WANT to work with.
  • Have customers that sing your praises so that they do your marketing for you
  • Have more time to dedicate to your philanthropic initiatives and impact your community the way that you dreamed.
  • Have the resources to enjoy time with your family and friends on your terms.
  • Be exactly the person that you were meant to be.

I want to literally reshape your mindset about your business and your life.

Reshape your mindset

When I started my first business, I failed, and then my second business failed as well. But once I earned myself a thriving business that actually functioned the way that I dreamed it would AND then I saw that what I had discovered to make it work ALSO worked for other businesses, I knew I had the secret sauce to a successful business.

I looked back and saw that when I was struggling, I was looking at the whole business game all wrong. My mindset was completely off. It was like looking for someone to make a touchdown while watching a basketball game.

And I realized, that most new entrepreneurs are looking at it all wrong too.


“Hey Nik…how are u? I HAVE to sit down with you and discuss my new business. I need your help.”

I get at least 3 to 4 texts like this a day!

When I first started my web design business, Lidyr Creative, I had no idea that it would have lead me to becoming more proficient in business success coaching than I am at anything else.

About 70% of my clients are new businesses, because the first thing you get when you’re starting a new business is a website and a logo. So I get first access to new entrepreneurs. They talk very candidly and openly with me about the interworkings of their new venture and their lives,

a lot of times before they even share with their significant others.

And overtime, while improving on my own businesses and working with my clients, I got really good at business development.

My team grew stronger and my clients were increasingly becoming better business people.

We then dove head first into business development making it a full service offering.

And our client-list grew to include multimillion-dollar businesses, and large professional organizations.

The impact we had was astounding. The reviews were awesome.

“Nikki and her team are the consummate professionals, and have been very responsive to our needs. They have taken our vision and developed it into a sophisticated product beyond what we even imagined. I have been tremendously impressed with their website and visual design capabilities.”

~Jerry T Jordan, President of the Philadelphia Federation of Teachers