What You Will Learn

It has been my life’s purpose to help entrepreneurs to live their purpose.  I’ve discovered that people are most effective when they align their work with their purpose.  But first and foremost, you need to know HOW to do your “work”….YOU have to know how to be entrepreneur.

See Our Curriculum Plus Bonuses Below

A 12-lesson framework that teaches entrepreneurs how to transform their business from what it is today to what they dreamed it would be when they first started.

I’ve spent two years developing, testing, and perfecting a program that will help new entrepreneurs to become better businesspeople through easy-to-use

frameworks, guides, workbooks, tutorials, & cheatsheets.

The end result is a rich program of online modules, lessons, workbooks, pre-calculated spreadsheets, guides, and tutorials that equip you with the tools you need to establish the foundation for a successful business.

And then…

  • You can go on to build another successful business.
  • And then you can go on to build another successful business again.
  • And maybe even one day BUY another business.

Here’s the Curriculum and How It Works

Once you enroll, you will unlock access to all 12 lessons plus the bonus material.

What You Will Learn:

Lesson 1: Mindset

In this lesson you will learn about mindset and easy to execute strategies that you can start doing immediately to effectively change your mindset.

Lesson 2: Scale

This session we will do an in depth study that builds on the first lesson of the FREE Entrepreneur Success Workshop about SCALE. I go in depth about each letter in the S.C.A.L.E. acronym. Understanding this concept is essential for any business to get to success.

Lesson 3: Vision and Viability

Here we lay out the rules for having a proper vision. That’s right, your vision or your dream could possibly be WRONG. Here I show you what a correct vision looks like. Then we explore calculating the numbers behind your dream. I provide a super powerful spreadsheet that literally calculates the math behind your vision. Here is where your dream starts to come to life.

Lesson 4: Planning

In this lesson we learn how to properly plan. Again, you guessed it. It is possible to plan incorrectly. I will “unlearn” you of bad planning habits and help you to lay out a proper plan. I give you the single everyday word that automatically forces a plan to work.

Lesson 5: Strategy

Here we learn about how to properly lay out a complex strategy. I explain why every strategy should be complex. Strategies lay the foundation for systems, so this is insanely important!

Lesson 6: Execution

Now that you have laid out a plan to bring your dreams to fruition, you need to execute it. Its not enough to know something, you have to actually do it.

We discuss rules for executing a strategy that prevent you from slacking off on your plan.

Lesson 7: Marketing Foundation, Digital Marketing, M.A.G.I.C. Website Formula

In this lesson we discuss laying out a foundation for any marketing campaign, regardless of your marketing style or marketing strategy. This is all about having the proper mindset for your marketing campaign, whatever it may be. Your current marketing plan isn’t working because you don’t have the proper mindset. I provide easy to use frameworks for ensuring a proper mindset change. We then go into to digital marketing. This content is full of easy-to-use frameworks and guides. I really dummy-proof these complex topics.

Lesson 8: Social Media, Email Marketing, Ads, and Lead Capture

It’s a lot. I know but this is super valuable content. This lesson builds on the last but we go in depth with proven social media strategies and we give you easy-to-use technical instructions and valuable little known resources.

Lesson 9: Sales and Traditional Marketing

In this lesson we dive into sales strategies, techniques and I go in depth with my sales formula. We also learn about growing your sales with traditional marketing strategies.

Lesson 10: Systems

Products Make You Money, but Systems Make You a Fortune. In this lesson, I give you exact steps to setting up systems in your business. Trust me, this right here will put you 100,000 steps and 10,000 hours ahead of your competitors.

Lesson 11: Money, Finance, and Philanthropy (Social Responsibility)

In this lesson, I teach you how to manage the business’ money. I teach you finance terms and how they affect the success of your business. There is a strategic reason why I like to teach Philanthropy with Money and Finance. You will learn that secret here.

Lesson 12: Leadership and Hiring the Right Team

In this lesson, I give you some valuable rules to leadership. I show you step-by-step how to build your team, and how to influence others and most importantly how to serve yourself into leadership.


Because, I want this course to be super valuable to you, you get access to 4 Bonuses for Free!

See the bonuses below.

Bonus 1

Sales Formula Course

$299 value

The idea for his course, came from a conversation with a colleague that started off with him asking me “Hey Nikki, I haven’t made any sales in my business in a while. How do I get my momentum back?”

I helped him solve his problem by the end of the conversation but he helped me to understand what I’ve always done so well to close so many sales, making me the top sales person in every job that I’ve ever had.

I created a simple mathematical formula that will turn any ‘Norbit’-type into a lucrative sales person. I tested this lesson out as a free webinar and the reviews came back so great that I started selling it at $299.

But when you Enroll in MySuccessProject you get it for Free!

Bonus 2

Small Business Owner Assessment

$57 Value

This is a 36-question assessment that assigns a score to its takers that will give you specific actionable steps to get better. We use it to diagnose which areas of business a particular entrepreneur needs to focus on to get better and start seeing more profits. This test is super accurate and you will also learn so much about yourself as a business owner. This course will be available to all students of MySuccessProject for FREE!

Bonus 3

Discover Your Exact Next Step to Rapidly Transform Your Business Course

$347 value

This course you will learn:

  • The 9 Key Areas of Business That Most New Entrepreneurs Overlook
  • How to Find Areas of Your Business that Needs the Most Attention
  • What to Study When You Discover the Areas That You Need to Focus on
  • How to Transform Your Business from the Business That It Is Now to What You Dreamed It Would Be.

Enroll and get this course for FREE

Bonus 4

Ultimate Time Management Strategy Workbook

$119 value

Get 75% more done everyday! This Time Management Strategy will help you take control of your time and finally get more done. Start accomplishing your goals, meeting deadlines, and having more free time than ever before by using the strategies in this guide.

Get this super powerful workbook for FREE when you enroll in MySuccessProject!


$299 Value


$57 Value


$347 Value


$119 Value


$4,797 Value


$5,619 Value

You Pay Only $1997  $1,299

Enroll in MySuccessProject Now!

was $1299
NOW $349
A 90-day framework that teaches entrepreneurs how to transform their business from what it is today to what they dreamed it would be when they first started.