At this point I can run any viable business and position myself for success in any climate. Of course life will have its ups and downs but I KNOW I have the tools needed to overcome any business obstacles.

But, I told you just little about me and you might be wondering why I, Nicole Purvy am qualified to help you run a successful business.

About Nicole Purvy, founder of MySuccessProject

I’m originally from Philadelphia. After, graduating from Temple University with a degree in finance, I went on to have a successful career as an institutional bond trader. I traded bonds for large companies…and yes bonds, like stocks and bonds. I was extremely successful at 25, making 6-figures, living in LA, 5 minutes from beach…

but I was unhappy.

I knew I wasn’t doing what I was put here on earth to do.

So in 2009/2010, because I love teaching so much, I started a web series, teaching people about finance.

Apparently, my web series violated the terms of my contract and

I was fired.

I was devastated but I knew this was my opportunity to do what I always dreamed of; becoming an entrepreneur.

In 2010, I started an online boutique selling women’s dresses. That business did marginally well. I couldn’t afford a web designer so I taught myself how to design my own site. People started noticing my web design work more than my dresses, so I started getting hired as a web designer. This was much more lucrative for me.

I went from designing websites and doing logos on my couch to having a thriving business, Lidyr Creative, with a great team in an amazing location in just under 2 years.

My clients started to notice how well I run my company in addition they also appreciated the business advice I gave them outside of the design work.

So we wanted to have a platform where other entrepreneurs could learn from us and share their experiences, so we launched along with the podcast.

In the meantime, we started to package the business success coaching services up into frameworks laying the foundation for MySuccessProject.

And through testing and tweaking and testing, we are now here!

These frameworks and lessons have changed hundreds of people’s lives and had an amazing impact on their businesses.