You Did It. You Made IT This Far!

Why everything happens for a purpose and your path here to this very moment right now actually worked out for your good

I know you don’t want to hear that your seemingly slow trek to success is for your better but hear me out…

Yes, it’s true that we see the occasional social media “celebs” that look like they got to success so fast and at such a young age.

But the reality is…

A lot of these “celebs” have so much social influence that it overshadows any deficiencies in the business…like, an INSANE amount of social influence.

Trust me, you don’t want success that way.

What happens if a social media platform disappears? (it does happen)

or a particular social media platform changes the rules of the game? (that happens too.)

So you’d rather actually learn how to run a business the right way.

But most importantly, we learn our biggest lessons in failure rather than success.

So the small defeats you have had so far, made you appreciate the idea of someone working closely with you to help you to your dream business.

Also, you know that you will actually get the most value out of a business coaching program now.

Remember how much you THOUGHT you knew about business when your first decided to start your business?

I know It’s funny now right?

You know now that you actually knew nothing about running a business.

But you probably wouldn’t have gotten as much value out a Business Success Coaching program like you will today.

Here’s how most entrepreneurial experiences happen…

3 Phases of Entrepreneurship

When you first decide that you want to start a business and you’re finally ready to push the go button, more often than not, most of you new entrepreneurs are making or hoping to make the transition from being an employee at a 9-5 job.

‘Tantrum’ Phase

Most likely you decided that you wanted to make the transition because you hated being told what to do, when to do it, and how to do it by your previous boss.

You know that you don’t need someone “parenting” you, so you begin your entrepreneurship journey.

As a rebellion against your job and your old structured life, your new entrepreneurial lifestyle includes the ideas that you don’t believe in having a set schedule and you will be your OWN boss. You forgo structure and schedules because you are throwing a ‘tantrum’ because you hated you old lifestyle so much.

This will be great for a while, giving you freedom and liberation. But at some point when the money isn’t rolling in as much as you’d like, you make a complete 180-degree turn and decided that you will do whatever it takes to make as much money as possible.

The time spent in the ‘Tantrum Phase’ can last as short as one month or as long as a year.

‘Sleep When I Die’ Phase

So next is when you enter the “Sleep When I die Phase”. During this phase every entrepreneur decides that they will follow every rule and put in as many hours as possible to make entrepreneurial magic in their business. You work long hours, you get very little sleep, and you do whatever it takes to get the sale or the client, all while sacrificing time with your loved ones and quality of life.

This phase is great because it forces entrepreneurs to learn every aspect of the business.

But the problem is that this phase isn’t sustainable. If you stay here too long you will get burned out and possibly learn to hate the business. It’s incredibly difficult to succeed at anything you don’t love.

This phase is essential and inevitable but timing is everything.

This is where most entrepreneurs get stuck. They never seem to make it out of this phase.

The business fails because they give up because the lifestyle is not sustainable. They burn out. Or even worse, they start slacking on the business because they grow to resent it so much.

The reality is, THERE will never be enough time in the day to complete tasks when you are in this phase.

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, it is imperative that you get out of this phase. At the exact right time.

This is where this program comes in.

I want to transition you as quickly as possible out of the ‘Sleep When I die Phase’ and in to the next phase, the “Work Smarter Not Harder Phase”

‘Work Smarter Not Harder’ Phase

In this phase you finally realize that you cannot sustain the ‘Sleep When I die’ Lifestyle, so you get crafty, resourceful and SMART and decide that you will work smarter and not harder.

This sounds great but there’s one problem.

How can you work smarter if you don’t know HOW to work smarter?

You don’t know anyone personally who has experienced the level of success that you are looking for AND that can ACTUALLY show you the ropes.

Even if you do know someone, then they most likely don’t have enough time to dedicate to you to ensure your success

Nor do you have the free time to work around their crazy schedule. By all means, you have a business to run!

In spite of this, you go on running this business (your baby) and dreaming the dream because you know it’s your purpose.

And deep down inside you KNOW the right answer will come along and show you how to work smarter like the successful entrepreneurs.